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Healthy Breakfast Meals You Can Eat

As important as having breakfast is, not everything should make it to the breakfast table. If you find yourself feeling a bit tired midday, or hungry before lunch, you might want to check what’s on your breakfast menu and replace items with healthy foods listed below. You can also check out our post on healthy drinks if you need drink ideas to go with any of the breakfast options.
  1. Akara

Fried bean cake, popularly called akara in Nigeria, makes it to our list of breakfast options for good reason. Most families enjoy this delicious meal with bread or pap (akamu) on the weekends, particularly because the dish requires more preparation time than other options. Notably, akara is a great source of protein and is also rich in fibre and calcium.
What’s more satisfying for your tastebuds and your heart, especially when cooked with Mamador Vegetable Oil that is low in cholesterol?

  1. Whole wheat pancakes

 Cooked on low heat with vegetable oil, the whole wheat pancake recipe is a healthier alternative to the norm. By having wheat pancakes for breakfast , you can be assured of a good supply of fibre and minerals like calcium, salts, potassium etc. According toOrganic Facts, consuming wheat can help you worry less about gallstones, which are caused by a deficiency in these minerals.

  1. Potato and Egg Hash

We’re sure you know how healthy and rich in nutritional value potatoes are. They are an amazing source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium and of course, dietary fibre.  Eggs add more nutritional goodness to the dish, courtesy of its protein. Combine both ingredients with a nice sauce to enjoy this great day starter.

  1. Spicy Poached Eggs

Wait till you try out this East African delicacy! You will go about the rest of your day feeling really good and satisfied. According to Lifehack Online, poached eggs can even hold you up longer than cereals can. Add all that protein goodness to the tomato sauce vitamins, and you have a great breakfast choice with lots of nutrients, if you ask us.

  1. Baked Moi-Moi

 This is another great protein-filled breakfast. The most popular moi-moi recipe involves steaming the leaf-wrapped beans paste in boiling water. Beans is not only a source of protein, as popularly known, but is also a source of iron, potassium and zinc. Huffington Post says beans are heart healthy because they contain an abundance of soluble fibre which lowers cholesterol levels.
There you have it, guys. Breakfast is important, but a healthy breakfast is more important. Keep trying out our recipes  we will be uploading from time to time and send us your feedback. We would love to hear from you.

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